Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Ugh, I spent the holiday weekend/DH's birthday weekend sidelined with some pretty bad back pain. I thought it was just a wierd case of back cramps since the onset coincided with the start of AF. However, she has been ramping down for a few days and the back pain is not getting much if any better. I keep telling myself and dh that it is but I don't think so. The problem is that since it has been going on for a few days a visit to the ER doesn't seem right and which dr do I call? It started with AF so does that mean ob/gyn or since it is still here GP? I'm lost. Maybe I will just call my GP's nurse and ask... but I know that she will remind me that I am overdue for a followup and bloodwork and who knows what she will say about the back pain. We have Cubs tickets this weekend... I don't want to be in pain for that :(

1 comment:

Beth Kyle said...

Oh no! You must not be in pain to watch the cubbies!
I hope you feel better!